Gabion Mesh Reinforcement shall be assembled in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, for the purpose of fixing gabion baskets and mattresses in practical uses.
Mesh reinforcement shall be orientated so that the axis of twist of the mesh is into the slope. It shall be installed in such a manner that it is tight as practicable, using hand labour, in a direction into the slope. After pulling it tight it shall be staked with a minimum of one stake for each 1.5m width, at a maximum of 6m centres along the axis of the mesh.
For reinforcing of baskets, the number and type of connections to the gabion baskets will be such that the strength of the connection is no less than the strength of the mesh.
It is essential for the stability and effectiveness of the gabion scour protection to the downstream face of the embankment that the mesh is securely connected to the baskets. The Contractor shall therefore include details in his quality control program of how he shall ensure and check that onsite connections are carried out in accordance with the specification, including details of records that will be kept relating to onsite connections and number and length of mesh reinforcement.
Gabion Mattress Reinforcement: Where mattresses are laid on a slope exceeding 33 degrees they shall be staked to the slope with hardwood pegs, or similar approved, just below the upper end panel, at 1.0m centres or as necessary.