Gabions are wire structures, in essence large
baskets that are filled with rock or masonry material to form large blocks andare useful for the homeowner for jobs like lining culverts and stopping slopeerosion ,the gabion structure can be built without any mechanical equipment andworks can start immediately because the initial stages of excavation and lyingof foundations are minimal and can be carried out by hand, for underwaterstructures, the first layer of gabions can be laid in water or in mud withoutthe need for draining the site.
Channel construction, related to the stability ofthe slope and bed. So use gabions,gabions structures ecology, a century transformation of many natural andartificial river channel excavation of the main method used. Gabions can beplayed on the riverbank or riverbed effective permanent protection, he alsocontrols the flow of water to prevent water loss of function especially inenvironmental protection and quality of water, and with excellent effect.
Upon the completion, agabion structure can take its full load immediately without the waiting periods- of up to one month - normally associated with concrete structures andfurthermore, it is relatively easy to obtain good construction quality becauseof the simplicity of the two construction materials, i.e. the gabion basketsand the stones or rock fragments.